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Technology in Education

November 27, 2012

EME5050——Signing off….but first:  One final post.

So how do I take this entire course in and use it?  We have finished EME5050 and it was a fun ride.  We learned about integrating technology in the classroom.  In doing so, we hit upon each of the NETS-T standards.

Of these standards, I found that I already do a few of these things.  In fact, many accomplished teachers use several of the NETS-T standards in their curriculum and instructional delivery.  For example, many teachers use digital tools to convey a message.  In other words, some teachers use PowerPoint to give lessons.  However, after taking this course, I realize that there are other methods of giving a presentation:

What was missing?  I think I would have liked to have had some exposure to podcasting in this course.  I know that I would like to create podcasting of my lessons to post for students to review.  I would also like to work with video lessons…as form of blended learning.  I know that podcasting can be engaging and can stimulate creativity if done correctly with the classes.  Here are a few links that might get me (or you) thinking about creating video lessons…..and maybe even a live broadcast!

A final thought…

Do you find that technology is cyclical?  I mean, think about cell phones…they started off as large chunks of machinery, right?  Then they evolved to something that could fit in your car.  Eventually, they were able to fit in our pockets.  Then the trend was to be as small and thin as possible.  However, if you have noticed, the new thing is for screens to be bigger these days.  Are the days of nano-phones over?

I appreciate all of your input and comments…and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


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  1. I have found that I too already incorporate many of the NETS-Standarnds in my classroom. Learning about the different types of presentations willl definately be a useful resource in the classroom, as well as my future grad classes. I had not thought about pod casting until you brought it up. Thank you for sharring the links and giving us something new to try or think about.

  2. I agree that this class has lended itself to be very relevant in my teaching position. I have definitely been able to immediately use what we’ve learned and apply it into my classroom curriculum. I feel very fortunate in learning about Prezis because it has taught me other ways to present objectives to my class, and my students have actually really taken Prezis and ran with them as an alternative to PowerPoints. I like the point that you brought up about podcasting, but my thought on that is that I think we simply ran out of time 🙂 It seemed like we were constantly learning some new and relevant each module. But that would definitely be something that I would love to learn, as well.

    The sources you provided were phenomenal, so thanks for that. I wish you much success in your future endeavors and I hope to continue to work with you in the future as we continue in our graduate programs. Have a wonderful Christmas and a super break.

  3. Anthony Roma permalink

    While I have not yet started teaching, I have found the NETS Standards to be a nice guide post for my planning of my tasks this semester. I hope to do the same when I start my career. I especially enjoy that I can not only focus on my standards, but those of my students as well. I can use the NETS-S Standards to help me focus my lessons on the standards that I want my students to learn, and that will help me make them proper digital learners and citizens.

    Thanks for the posts

  4. Hi Mike,

    How cool is it that everyone has a different thought. I do like the idea of using the phone in the classroom. I believe that it could be easily integrated into the teaching process and would serve a dual purpose, in which case it would be used to actually serve lessons, but also motivate students.

    Thank you for sharing

  5. Hi, Mike

    I enjoyed reading you post, I am glad to take this course as all of you guys as well. It is true that technology growing so fast, as you mentioned in your last paragraph, when I watched movies about the future, phone will be transparent..I am curious about how education technology will be like in the future. Let’s wait and see.

    Thanks for your sharing.
    Hope you have a successful future in teaching and happy Christmas to you! 🙂


  6. Jodie Gustafson permalink

    Hello Mike,
    I have really enjoyed your posts. I too wonder how I can use what I have learned over the past few months. I would also love to get some exposure to podcasting and video lessons. Do you think there are any specific classes which teach or engage in podcasting? I am still not sure if I will be teaching or working in a library in the future but I know learning different forms of technology can only help in whatever I plan on doing. Good luck to you!!!
    Jodie Gustafson

  7. Before this course I didn’t know much about NETS standards and didn’t realize that I use them on a daily basis in my classroom. This course has taught me a lot about different ways to integrate technology in the classroom besides the basic computer and websites. Now that I have become familiar with different digital storytelling software I cannot wait to share and incorporate it in my classroom! Podcasting does sound like it would be very interesting to learn about!!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂

  8. Megan Brown permalink

    I love how you incorporated some of the great resources that we’ve used as a reminder of what we have used over the course. I agree I think more teachers already use the NETStandards for teacher and don’t even realize what they are. In regards to your question I do think technology is cyclical, like most things in life. But I do think technology is here to stay and will continue to grow and morph with each passing year.

    Thanks for your post.
    ~Megan B

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